Spring Craft Ideas for Kids

 With all the spring festivities there comes the need to keep the kids busy and doing something creative in between waiting for meals, visiting grandparents, etc. There are also lots of occasions during school, kid parties and random weekends when a list of spring craft ideas for kids is a necessity. We've compiled a great list of fun spring crafts for children that is useful for all ages and all occasions. 
Yarn-wrapped Vase: A great spring craft for kids that's a hit for the older crowd. 
 You'll need a variety of cheap vases (found at craft stores), balls of yarn and double sided tape. Begin by placing a piece of tape from top to bottom of the vase on just one side. Begin wrapping yarn by placing the first piece at the top of the vase, sticking it to the glue. Wrap around until you want to change color and repeat. When you get to the bottom, simply cut the yarm and stick to the tape again. 
Popsicle Flowers: The perfect spring crafts for kindergarten, these flowers are easy and pretty to make. 
 You'll need popsicle sticks, cupcake papers, an assortment of buttons, sequins and glue and green pipe cleaners. Glue a cupcake paper to the top of a stick. Then, decorate the paper with buttons and sequins, making sure there is a button in the middle. Twist the pipe cleaners into leaf shapes and wrap around the base of the stick. Voila, a paper flower to give to mom and dad! 
Egg Carton Caterpillar: Preschool spring crafts are hard to come by, but this one is always a hit. 
 You'll need a bunch of empty dozen egg cartons, cut in half, pipe cleaners, wobbly eyes, glue and markers or paint. Let the kids decorate their carton any way they want. When they're done, stick two twirly pipe cleaners in the top, front for antennae. Then, glue eyes under the pipe cleaners. Each child will have a fun caterpillar to learn about where butterflies come from! 
 Spring crafts are a great way to spend the day and get ready for the warm spring days ahead. Try some of these spring crafts for kids as a way to celebrate the change of seasons and to get everyone excited for spring. 
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